“You are what you wear, and what’s more, it is in the wearing that you become.”

The Vision

Founded in New York City in 2017, Poh Jewelry is built upon a time when jewelry was a symbol of craftsmanship, individuality, and luxury - a time before mass production, when jewelry was fabricated by a small atelier of skilled craftsmen with a unique wearer in mind. At Poh Jewelry, each piece is intentionally made.

Each bespoke piece of jewelry serves as a captivating tale, intricately woven in precious metal and gemstones, symbolizing cherished memories, heartfelt bonds, and personal triumphs in the unique tapestry of the wearer's life.

Our ready-made designs are acts of self-expression, created when something spurs them into existence. After the initial piece, each successive one is made to order. While this process may take more time, it ensures that each piece is crafted with a specific wearer in mind, minimizing waste by preventing unnecessary creation and discard.

Lead Designer

Alex Poh started as an independent goldsmith and designer, collaborating with various jewelry businesses in the New York City area. However, driven by a desire to prioritize craftsmanship, detail, and technical innovation, he embarked on establishing his own brand.

A self-taught CAD user, Alex employs architectural software to craft his designs. Rooted in the fundamentals of jewelry design passed down from his father, he has created opulent pieces for prominent gem and diamond traders. Seeking formal jewelry education, he enrolled at the New Approach Jewelry School, an experience that ignited his passion for hands-on craftsmanship. Further enhancing his skills, he pursued pneumatic ornamental engraving at the GRS training center under the guidance of Master Engraver Rex Pedersen.

Alex's enthusiasm extends to mastering precision gem cutting using his Ultra-Tec faceting machine. In the mornings, en route to the diamond district, he and his girlfriend take leisurely strolls through New York City's flower district. During weekends, they traverse Central Park, explore The Met, and indulge in new culinary experiences across the city.